Saturday, May 17, 2008

Home sweet home...

The second workshop on education is over and I'm happily back in Mexico City. It was nice and interesting and a bit less stressing than the first workshop, but I'm still glad that I'm done with it. This time I was sent to Acapulco. Here's the view from my hotel:

Buuuut.... here's where I spent my time:

Well, I actually could spend some time on the beach too, but not as much as I would have liked... Any way, it's nice to get some touch of the reality between the studies. And besides, my group gave me lots of gifts too: one huipil (a traditional Mexican dress), a painted wooden box and a beach dress that I didn't photograph. I guess they liked me!

In order to keep myself busy now that the workshops are done (as if there wasn't enough to do with the studies!) I decided to star my very first lace shawl. To keep things more interesting, I have to finish this Lehmus-scarf next week - I want to use it on Saturday on friends' wedding. We'll see if I can finish it by then...


Jonna said...

Tsemppia huivin tekoon. Nuo maalatut rasiat on ihania, itsekin sain tuliaisiksi juuri muutama viikko sitten samantyylisen rasian. Onneksi ehdit rannastakin nauttia!

ColibriDreams said...

Kiitos kiitos, tsemppiä tässä tarvitaankin... Nuo rasiat ovat tosiaan kauniita, itsekin niitä aina vien Suomeen tuliaisiksi. Olin muutenkin ajatellut ostaa tuollaisen vähän isomman laatikon itselleni, eli ihan nappiin meni tuo lahja.