These are some of the things I've been doing these months:
Travelling in Chiapas when my family came to visit in June...
But mostly I've been working with this:
My thesis. It's almost finished and I hope I can give it to my committee members by the end of the month. I just want to finish it!
And then there's also The House, that boyfriend and I bought and are renovating. But that's another story and I'll write about it more later.
Also, I'm going to open a new Etsy shop this week, so stay tuned!
Kaunis tunika :)
Tervetuloa takaisin. Olenkin kaivannut sinun postauksiasi. Ihana tuo kolibri-taulu. Onnea kovasti myòs uudelle kodillenne.
Helena: Kiitos, tunika on Pinaatti-tunika ja olen tykannyt siita kovasti.
Lissu: Kivaa, etta joku viela tulee lukemaan, vaikka olenkin ollut niin kauan poissa!
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